Divorce Mediation

Divorce Mediation Attorneys

Divorce Mediation in Georgia

Our experienced divorce mediation attorneys offer an excellent way to get an amicable divorce in Georgia. Hiring an experience mediator to facilitate constructive communications on the terms your divorce offers substantial benefits. A mediator can minimize tension between spouses, and keep the focus on resolving differences. Unlike a drawn out exchange of phone calls and emails between lawyers, mediation allows a conversational approach to reaching agreements. The benefits are typically lower cost, less stress, and a faster path to finalizing your divorce.

Even if your divorce starts with my lawyer fighting your lawyer, you can, at any time, shift to mediation. If your divorce is moving along with minimal conflict, you may want to consider using mediation. It's also possible that a judge may order you and your spouse to participate in a mediation process. We have experienced male and female divorce mediators ready to help you.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

In 1990, the Supreme Court of Georgia created a Commission on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). The term Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) refers to any method other than common civil litigation to resolve differences.


Mediation is a process utilizing a Neutral (person) to facilitate settlement discussions between parties. The Neutral has no authority to make a decision or impose a settlement upon the parties. The neutral attempts to focus the attention of the parties upon their needs and interests rather than upon rights and positions. Although in some divorces the parties may be ordered to attend a mediation session, any mediated settlement is entirely voluntary.

What is a "neutral"? The term "neutral" refers to an impartial person who facilitates discussions and dispute resolution between disputants in mediation, case evaluation or early neutral evaluation, and arbitration.


Arbitration differs from mediation in that an arbitrator renders a decision after hearing an abbreviated version of the facts. The essential difference between mediation and arbitration is that arbitration is a form of adjudication, whereas mediation is not.

Visit this page to learn more about Divorce Mediation vs. Arbitration

Georgia Divorce Mediation Process

How does divorce mediation work in Georgia? In mediation the divorcing spouses negotiate their divorce settlement agreement with a neutral third party facilitating the process. The mediator is a neutral intermediary that guides the conversation but does not lead either party or make any decisions on their behalf.

Each mediator has their own unique style which considers the preferences of the divorcing couple. Often, the spouses are in separate rooms and the mediator goes back-and-forth with information stripped of emotions. In very low-conflict divorces, the mediator may have both spouses in the same room for an open discussion.

Is mediation mandatory in Georgia divorce?

Mediation is not absolutley mandatory for a divorce in Georgia. However, there are times when a judge may order mediation to resolve minor disagreements in an uncontested divorce or contested divorce.

How long after mediation is divorce final in Georgia?

Mediated divorce usually takes about 6 months to complete. Generally speaking, the fastest mediated divorces are those that do not involve children, and their is minimal conflict over property division. In a Simple divorce a mediated process may take only a few weeks to complete.

Divorce Mediation Benefits

  • Lower Cost of Divorce. Being able to lower friction and achieve mutual agreement faster reduces the time required. When you're dealing with hourly billing, less time means lower costs to get a divorce.
  • Minimize Conflict and Stress. Having a neutral facilitator, especially if they understand human nature, can listen to a spouses words and restate things to the other spouse in a less confrontational manner. This sidesteps a lot of triggers that may cause fighting, and instead keeps the focus on the matter at-hand. Mediation sin't necessarily pain-free but it is a way to keep tensions at a lower level.
  • Personal Privacy. Mediation produces a private agreement between the parties which is unavailable for public scrutiny. If your married life have aspects best kept private, mediation is unmatched for protecting your privacy.
  • Potentially Avoid Later Problems. In a conventional divorce, the parties sign a Divorce Settlement Agreement. Later, when life circumstances change, you can find yourself in a costly fight over modifications to your Settlement Agreement. With a mediated resolution, it is easier to re-open the matter and make adjustments.

Divorce Mediator in Cherokee County GA

A critical part of achieving a successful outcome is selecting a divorce attorney who has extensive experience in mediation. To learn more about divorce mediation we invite you to chat with a friendly divorce mediation lawyer. Simply call 770-956-1400 to arrange a confidential consultation to discuss your situation.