Child Custody Modification

Child Custody Modification

Child Custody Modification

When life circumstances change maybe your Parenting Plan should also change. Although allowed only once every two years, a child custody modification can breathe fresh life into what may have become a stale arrangement. Whether with you or your ex, things such as relocation of residence, personal instability, lifestyle issues, or maybe the desires of your children warrant revisiting the arrangement.

If you have a child 14 years old or older, they have the right in Georgia to choose with which parent they want to live. Filing a custody modification is the way to make it legally possible.

When filing for any sort of modification, you can include other types of revisions, additions, or deletions to your existing Parenting Plan.

What kind of changes? The options are wide open; establishing better terms for grandparent's visitation, payment of college tuition or extracurricular activities, and more.

If you seek to gain custody, and are successful, it should be obvious that there will be a corresponding reduction in child support payments.

Arguing Against Modifications

If you are in the position of facing an unwanted modification action we can represent you to oppose any type of changes to your Parenting Plan. As lawyers we realize there are two sides to every coin, and sometimes a parent seeks modifications for the wrong types of reasons.

If you are thinking about visitation modifications, reach out to a family law attorney to discuss the possibilities. Call us at 770-956-1400.